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How can we help you?

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a great place to start with your marketing. SEO is the process of organically increasing traffic to your website using unpaid methods. As a result, this will help you improve your ranking on search engines so you’re more visible to potential customers. Many site builders like WordPress, Squarespace, and WIX have guided SEO setup tools included you can take advantage of when creating a website. And while those are an ideal first step, SEO is an ongoing process and should be managed daily for optimal success. Some areas of SEO a hired agency may focus on include: On-Page SEO: focuses on optimizing the website internally to rank higher (e.g., blog posts, articles, landing pages, schema, etc.) Off-Page SEO: helps optimize the website externally using outside tactics like link-building Technical SEO: involves optimizations to website and servers to help bots crawl and index your site

Content Marketing

Websites don’t run without content. Without content, Google can’t crawl or index your site. Without content, potential customers don’t know what your business does. And without content, you can’t guide them on their way to your service or product. Simply put, content marketing is the development and distribution of the content on your website. Your content could be written words, video, audio, or other visuals. Some common forms used in content marketing are: Blog posts and articles Case studies Social media posts Press releases White papers Emails Newsletter Infographics Landing pages Videos Webinars Podcasts You can distribute content through various channels including organic (e.g., blogs), paid (e.g., Google Ads), and social (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.).

Paid Advertising (PPC)

One way to get faster results and traffic to your website is with a paid advertising strategy. Pay-per-click (PPC) is a system of advertising in which a business or advertiser pays a small fee in exchange for a clicked ad. PPC attracts customers at various stages of the buyer journey. Ads can come in various dimensions and styles including text, images, or videos. Some ad types include: Shopping: a carousel of ads from available online marketplaces Display: image-based or video-based ads Search: text-based ads Social: ads that appear on social media

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great channel for promoting your brand’s services or products. It allows you to directly connect with subscribers to inform them about: Special offers New products News updates Ebooks or other new content Webinars Your brand You can start utilizing email marketing by acquiring new subscribers through tactics like gated content or webinars.

Market Research

Before you launch a business, the right market research can help determine customers’ needs. Market research can also help existing businesses amp up their marketing strategy. Sure, you can conduct market research on your own, but it can take a long time to gather thorough and accurate information. Hiring a professional can help you uncover and analyze: Geographic location Customer demographics Business conditions Competitors Potential sales Potential demand for product/service Consumer preferences

Video Production

Video is no longer a “nice to have.” It’s a fast-growing and essential medium you can utilize on every major content marketing channel. Video production involves storyboarding, shooting, writing, and editing video footage to create short or long-form videos for educational or promotional purposes. When the video is done well, it can boost engagement, increase brand awareness, and improve page rankings. Here are some other ways you could use video: Viral branding Video tutorials Onboarding videos New product releases Social media Training and educational video Webinars The possibilities are endless!

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